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Sally O'Connor

Vice President of Sales and Service

Sally O'Connor is a full-scale sales expert: after her academic education (M.A. in Business Administration at Dublin) she worked for several Irish and British companies as sales specialist and sales manager.

Since 2017 Sally O'Connor is dealing with C3K and really ramps up the sales activites. After her reorganization she enlarged the sales volume in the new business fields for C3K.

Ralf G. Bauerthaler

Head Controlling and Accounting

Ralf Bauerthaler is leading the department since 2014. The department is split into two teams: the controlling group designs and evaluates reportings for every operating and strategical unit at C3K. The Accounting is dealing with the daily business activities which results into the P/L and finally the balance sheet.

Ralf Bauerthalter is predestined for his role: first he did a job education as a clerk and worked several years on operational level. To complete his education he successfully passed his Bachelor studies of Economies. 

N. A. 

Head of Marketing

Not occupied since one year.

HR department is in provisional management

Frederick Blumenthal

Head of Human Ressources 

Due to traditional organization perspective, Human Ressources are managed centrally by Frederick Blumenthal. He is with C3K since 2015. He built up the HR from a single person department to a holistic managing key factor of C3K.

As good fit Frederick Blumenthal is educated as a Bachelor's degree in Economics. 

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