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Dr. Manuel Krauss MBA

Managing Director Commerical

Manuel Krauss is the Managing Director of all commerical aspects and co-founder of C3K. In 1998 C3K was founded by Manuel Krauss and his sister Felicitas Krauss.

Before C3K Manuel Krauss studied Economics at Dublin Business School and made his doctorate at London Business School. He also passed a MBA programe at St. Gallen. 

Felicitas Krauss

Managing Director Operations

Felicitas Krauss is the Managing Director of operations and co-founder of C3K. In 1998 C3K was founded by Felictias Krauss and her brother Manuel Krauss.

Felicitas Krauss is well educated for her MD position: sher passed her B.A. in Mechanical Engineering and completed her studies with an M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering, both at Hochschule Ulm.

Dr. Alexandra Bronkovic

Managing Assistant to MD Commerical 

Dr. Bronkovic is since 2015 with C3K and reports as right-hand woman directly to Dr. Manuel Krauss. She prepares most of the decisions witch have to be done by MD Commerical and represent the Commerical team internal during absence.

Dr. Bronkovic is educated in the field of Marketing (M.A.) and made her PhD in Mergers and Acquisition during her time at Boston Consulting Group.

Ophrey D. A. Simpson

Managing Assistant to MD Operations

Ophrey Simpson was the first managing assistant at C3K and supported Felicitas Krauss in the field of operations since 2014. She is more than just an assistant to MD Ops - she also cares about the controlling activities in the Operations departments and supports the HR department on demand.

Ophrey Simpson made her Bachelors Ddgree in psychology at University of Berkeley and completed with her Master degree in Sociology at Stanford USA.

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